Walking the Tightrope between Political Action and Faith

One thing is certain and will probably resurface as a theme in this blog: everyone believes they're objective and balanced and everyone harbors corners of extremism in their lives. All we can ever do is journey closer to the balance that is necessary.

Some act as though political action is the only hope for real change and to get things done. Perhaps they trust the American government to a fault, whereas other mavericks don't trust the American government at all. Some emphasize control and legislation to a fault and others emphasize freedom to a fault. Nothing demonstrates this divide better today that the polarization between the Republicans and Democrats, the right and the left. Truth be told, many individuals on both sides are far more balanced than each side gives the other credit for, but the rule in political action is to absolutely demonize both sides as extremists. To get even more personal (and this is tragic, but true) the issue of COVID-19 has split the nation in just this way by taking on the language of politicization. Since we have overly politicized language and seemingly comprehension in our nation of nearly every issue, the oversimplified verdict seems to be this (at least in the rhetoric): 

Right-wing Republicans are recklessly negligent and selfish about the COVID-19 pandemic because they don't care who it kills, and left-wing democrats are communist dictators who want to control every area of life and take away our freedoms by using the pandemic as an excuse to infringe on our individual American rights.

Is this a good representation of truth and reality? Is this really what each individual Republican and Democrat embraces? Of course not. Neither of these characterizations is true because they are both demonization of the other side. Neither one fully reflects reality (perhaps in some cases they do). 

Now, is this to say that since neither is extreme as the above statement sounds, we should just make nice, make a truce and make peace, because WE ARE ALL RIGHT? No. This blog doesn't say this either. There are true issues at stake and I daresay that both platforms are safe harbors for certain sects of extremism. 

In my opinion, though Republicans may never claim them, perhaps some white supremacists tend to vote right rather than left. Likewise, Democrats tend (though not absolutely) to harbor the "pro-abortion" viewpoint. In both cases, the viewpoint harbored is extreme and inexcusable. Where does someone like me who finds white supremacy and abortion detestable find a home then? I can't vote for either side then, if my equation is at all accurate. 

To be fair, in the culture and rhetoric, there is a great distance between white supremacy and abortion, and the degree to which each "side" harbors these positions. No doubt many who read this would even be shocked at the equation I suggested. Why do I compare them? Because they are equally detestable to me.

In future posts, I may unpack some political positions, but today I only make the point that politics is a game of shadows, mirrors and demonization that make it hard to get to the truth, and so political action cannot be our only hope. Our faith must rest somewhere else.

Candid, honest, and respectful discussion and disagreement are welcomes here. See my previous post last year for the purpose and vision of this blog, along with ground rules for respect.


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