
Showing posts from April, 2008

Word on the Street #5

Beloved in Christ, You cannot imagine what I went through on Monday night when I came out to Lexington again and had reason to believe that my sleeping spot had been discovered and then I started getting nauseous and began shivering uncontrollably, even with a sweatshirt and wool shirt on. I thought that I was in for a long night of who knew what. I ended up over at a prayer tent on the University of Kentucky campus which was hosting 24-7 prayer for the entire week. I figured I'd pray there as late as I could until I went to sleep and hope that know one would kick me out of there. Praise God, He had better ideas. A friend whom I met one time before at Church of the Savior happened to come into the prayer tent that night and lo and behold, when finding out my issue, invited me to the apartment he's been staying at. For the next day and 2 nights, he took care of me, giving me food, letting me sleep and relax the whole time. Talk about a good samaritan (except he's not

Word on the Street #4

Brothers, Sisters, family, and friends, I'm currently in my 4th week out on these streets and I'm in a stage of monotony. Life seems to be getting monotonous. Imagine how people who've been out here for a couple years feel. I'd imagine they're pretty numb to it now. Either this will make me stronger or really mess me up. I choose the former. I haven't slept in the Hope Center at all this week; I've been outside every night, and last night I was flat out exhausted. I slept without waking once, even on the hard cement and even after I woke up at 6:00 am (my natural alarm clock), I was still quite exhausted. I laid down again on a church porch that smelled like alcohol for another half-hour (I hope I didn't pick up any alcohol scent along the way). Wow, what a week. I've still been enjoying the week though. I have received encouragement from several people and God's provision too. I did an experiment on Tuesday this week and instead of ru

Word on the Street #3

Intercessors, friends, and family, I love you all very much. I've had amazing support from so many of you that I'm quite undeserving of. It's always been hard for me to just receive God's grace without paying back, but I'm learning too. I do pray, however, that I can one day aid many of you as you've aided me, not to pay you back, but just to do what Jesus would do. This week has seen things pretty bright, still hard sometimes (late last week), but lot's of blessings and so much to be thankful for. Provision has abounded for me-I love how God works. Lessons have also abounded. See my blog ( ) for some of those and some of my questions. I still struggle with the idea of becoming complacent-something I just hands-down do not want to do. I've had to be pretty patient as I seek to learn what God would have me learn and do what God would have me do. Am I here to zealously evangelize or build deep relationships. Some would sa

Word on the Street #1

To the body of Christ, Well these past few days on the streets have been hard-mostly emotionally and mentally as I adjust to a whole different perspective-worlds different from my own perspective previously. I spent the first night under an overhang in a parking garage and the past 2 nights in the Hope Center (the only shelter in Lexington for men). They have drug and alcohol rehab there and then they have a service called "General Population" for guys like me that just need a place to sleep. General Population needs to be out during the day and returns at night for supper. It costs like $1 each night, but my first 5 days are free. I've met a lot of people and it can almost be a little overwhelming. It's been an uncomfortable adjustment. Even yesterday, it rained and poured like crazy and I was cooped up in the Hope Center most of the day-it felt like prison from the food to the type of people I was around. It's so different being out here as a homeless

All of Me

As I continue in my journey out here on the streets, I'm beginning to learn about real dedication and the faith it requires. I'm alive to enjoy and know God and next to fulfill His purposes for my life. What I'm doing really is a full time job where I have to stay totally focused on the mission God has given me and to deviate from it always convicts me. Mine is a life that must have focus to it or it will be wasted on petty pleasures that don't really mean anything. Everything I do must be about knowing and enjoying God first and then loving and serving all who I encounter on the streets. It's not always easy, but I'm finding as I move in faith that God is actually putting His love for people in me. It's quite amazing and I never expected it to work out this way. Radical love awakens spiritual zombies. The biggest way in which I do this is by taking time to know people and give them the time of day. I certainly share tangible stuff too when I can, b

Word on the Street #6

Beloved Friends, Brothers, and Sisters, What a week! I've hardly had time to stop and reflect on it all or write in my journal as much as I've wanted to! It's been a week of a lot of affirmation and blessing from the hand of God. It's begun to illustrate to me the divine placement God has for me for such a time as this. This time has begun to feel like a full time job, which is good, because I've been seeing so many doors of opportunity open and it's kept me moving. My time has been split during this week between time among my prayer base (the body of Christ) and time among the people God's called me to love. On Tuesday, I spent the majority of the day with my friend Kevin. We talked a lot, he took me to see a movie called "The Bucket List" and we talked a lot. He says that the Bible is truth and yet his practical outlook on life is darwinian "survival-of-the-fittest." This kind of philosophy yields a depressing outlook on life wh

A Look Inside My Journal

1 April 2008 "I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you." This is the song which played in my head as I stood outside the Catholic Action Center. I was looking at all the different kinds of people out there; problem was, I didn't act or treat these people as if they had the fingerprints of God all over them. Jesus said in Matthew 25 that whatever one's done for the least of these, he's done to Jesus. I did not see Jesus in these people, but I want to. A friend sent me an email much to the same effect-see Jesus in these people. Often, I don't even have anything to say. I'm trying to think about so many things at once-my relationship with God, quenching my flesh, ministering, serving, loving and seeing all people for what they are: people created in God's image. I've been reminded over and over of the need to stay humble and build relationships. I don't feel very confident. I need to stay prayed up. 2 April 2008 Well, a good friend cam

Prayer Requests

Jeremy: I've had a lot of contact with Jeremy and he wants change but feels so hopeless that he doesn't think he can get it-figures God's given up on him. I've seen him soften some-pray that would continue Danny: crack addiction Steve: depression, alcoholism, back-healing, and needs encounter with Jesus Tom: authority of Scripture, needs encounter with Jesus Texas: needs Jesus Rick: hardened heart, lying to self, needs Jesus, unsure of self right now Derek: another buddy who needs Jesus Claude: has shown real interest in God and church-pray for provision to get him connected with a community so that he can grow and give himself totally to the Lord. The Lighthouse Ministry Lexington Rescue Mission The Hope Center: federal program using 12 steps (pretty universalistic material) Hunter: an atheist friend of mine Kevin: bad leg (possibly blood clot), cycle of deception, spirit of error Leo: good guy who knows and loves Jesus, and wants to give up smoking Richard: humble and

SURPRISE! The homeless are PEOPLE.

That title is only for getting your attention. Seriously though, I came out to the streets believing that I needed to be hardened and cynical like the homeless to guard myself against those which would take advantage of me. I wouldn't say I've been hardened or cynical, just guarded, reserved, and constantly thinking and feeling things out. It's just been amazing to me as I've watched over the past couple days. Two people I've gotten to no have really softened up in front of me and opened up about things that they don't talk to anybody about. It's like they have to put up a front most of the time, but around me they have opened up. I cannot go into details lest I betray trust, but God's just cool, despite my weaknesses. He's blessed me greatly as I've learned to listen and keep loose fingers on what He's given me. I have been able to bless others and I wouldn't trade that for anything. I know how it feels (a little bit) to be displa