
Showing posts from January, 2021

Online Privacy. Facebook, or MeWe? What’s App, or Telegram? Privacy or Accountability?

  What a week in political commentary and rhetoric we've seen. Sometimes it's important to take a step back and remember what we actually believe, because the rhetoric on so many sides can get so strong. Going hand-in-hand with this topic is the explosion of online privacy and free speech rights. Great American values include the focus on individual rights such as privacy and free speech.  I n the wake of so much political turmoil, this debate has been brought to the surface as Pres. Trump has been permanently banned from Twitter and indefinitely so from Facebook. Parler may never again see the light of day.  What perspective should we have on these things? Like my previous post said, we tend to see these things through the rhetoric of political polarization since we are over inundated with media, and over reliant on it. We sometimes come away thinking that the two sides we see characterized on media are the  only two options for a point of view. This post pledges to be fearles

Walking the Tightrope between Political Action and Faith

One thing is certain and will probably resurface as a theme in this blog: everyone believes they're objective and balanced and everyone harbors corners of extremism in their lives. All we can ever do is journey closer to the balance that is necessary. Some act as though political action is the only hope for real change and to get things done. Perhaps they trust the American government to a fault, whereas other mavericks don't trust the American government at all. Some emphasize control and legislation to a fault and others emphasize freedom to a fault. Nothing demonstrates this divide better today that the polarization between the Republicans and Democrats, the right and the left. Truth be told, many individuals on both sides are far more balanced than each side gives the other credit for, but the rule in political action is to absolutely demonize both sides as extremists. To get even more personal (and this is tragic, but true) the issue of COVID-19 has split the nation in jus