
Showing posts from October, 2008

Words from the Journey 2.1

Beloved in Jesus, I am beginning a new series of updates because of an ever-developing chapter that has begun. Welcome to Word on the Journey Volume 2, Number 1. I am no longer living on the streets, but living in a transition phase which has been happening over the past month or so. While I enjoyed the fruit of the experience on the streets and certainly see the purpose of it, I'm so relieved that the Lord has led me on. Living homeless is not fun. It was necessary for the time being for me to live by faith and release myself to God in life. You could almost call it a rite of passage from childhood and a life of reliance upon my parents, to adulthood and a life led by faith and not sight, by the words of God and not my own rationale. I have set the course for the rest of my life and thinking by taking this first step. No matter what the circumstances look like and no matter what any person thinks, I live according to what faith tells me and not according to anything else.

The New Holocaust

Check out the following link: Abortion is blatantly evil. It is murder. It is fueled by a culture of convenience, self-gratification and death. It is perpetuated by the religion of Humanism. Do not be blinded by so-called progress, change and intellectualism. Do not be tricked by rhetoric and charisma. Murder has always been murder and it's never been right, no matter how it is argued, to take a human life. I cannot force anyone to vote any certain way, but I can inform the conscience and I call people to terms. Do not vote for Obama's extremism, especially pertaining to the murder of babies. He will hurt our country and take away everything about America that is distinctive. He will discard our roots, for the Humanism of the world. He will introduce economic policies which look dangerously socialistic. And we cannot handle the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan like someone seasoned in such matters like John McCain. Vote carefull

Word on the Journey 2.1

Beloved in Jesus, I am beginning a new series of updates because of an ever-developing chapter that has begun. Welcome to Word on the Journey Volume 2, Number 1. I am no longer living on the streets, but living in a transition phase which has been happening over the past month or so. While I enjoyed the fruit of the experience on the streets and certainly see the purpose of it, I'm so relieved that the Lord has led me on. Living homeless is not fun. It was necessary for the time being for me to live by faith and release myself to God in life. You could almost call it a rite of passage from childhood and a life of reliance upon my parents, to adulthood and a life led by faith and not sight, by the words of God and not my own rationale. I have set the course for the rest of my life and thinking by taking this first step. No matter what the circumstances look like and no matter what any person thinks, I live according to what faith tells me and not according to anything else.

There must be more than this...

There must be more than this. If all there is to Christianity is getting "saved" and then everything is great, you go to church, you witness a little bit, you go to prayer meetings and experience the "fire of God", you keep sinning "only occasionally", but it's okay because it's less than before, you get baptized in the Holy Spirit and prophesy and speak in tongues and you get excited about theology; if we are content with how things currently are, then Christianity is false and no person should have the audacity to say that Christianity is unique among the religions of the world or that it's a relationship with God. If all of the above is it, a few events that happen in our lives, then Jesus is dead and Christianity is a hoax. WE MUST HAVE MORE! We are talking about the resurrection power of God, actually and literally raising people from the dead. We are talking literally about ETERNITY and about a literally ALL-POWERFUL God. How can we