
Showing posts from 2007

Go to the link below and hear this song!

The Dream Isaiah Saw Lions and oxen will sleep in the hay, Leopards will join with the lambs as they play, Wolves will be pastured with cows in the glade, Blood will darken the Earth that God made. Little child whose bed is straw, Take new lodgings in my heart. Bring the dream Isaiah saw: Life redeemed from fang and claw. Peace will pervade more than forest and field: God will transfigure the Violence concealed Deep in the heart of systems gain, Ripe for the judgment the Lord will ordain. Little Child whose bed is straw, Take new lodgings in my heart. Bring the dream Isaiah saw: Justice purifying law. Nature reordered to match God’s intent, Nations obeying the call to repent, All of creation completely restored, Filled with the knowledge and love of the Lord. Little child whose bed is straw, Take new lodgings in my heart. Bring the dream Isaiah saw: Knowledge, wisdom, worship awe. —Thomas H. Troeger Lantz Professor of Christian Communication Yale University Divinity School in his book

Walk as Jesus Did

God gave me some revelation today pertaining to the book of Luke that's really cool. I saw a good deal more of the humanity of Jesus today and the high calling and high view of human beings in God's eyes today. Luke really illustrates how like Jesus is to us even though he's fully God and fully man, albeit a perfect man. He had to be rooted in the sovereignty of God and his plan just as we have to be. He had to pray and trust the Holy Spirit just as we do. He had to face temptation just like we do. Luke's Gospel notes that Jesus, the perfect man, grew in wisdom and stature just like we all have to do. We all have to grow in wisdom and stature because we aren't complete. Jesus grew in self-awareness and found God's plan for his life just like we have to and walked it out victoriously, setting the stage for the rest of us. Jesus was the pioneer of our faith and now we are called to walk just as he did and does in accomplishing God's purpos

American Individualism: A cultural morei or bondage?

In reading about the development of American pragmatism and the individual of the American individualism, I've come to realize a deep bondage I've been in. Even after many years of walking with God, I still believe that life is all about me. I do not invest any intrinsic value into those around me except to the extent that I grow from them. I'm selfish. Everything of intrinsic value pertains to benefiting me in someway. I am a result of my culture and the American dream instead of my God. I focus on my own growth and relationship with God instead of where God wishes to use me in other's lives. You know, we are not called to become Christian so that we can go to Heaven. We are called to know God and become Christian because this is what God created us for. It's about His fame and glory, not ours. We were created to bring glory to God, not end up in Heaven one day. Granted, He will take us to be with Him one day, but it's primarily about His fame and gl

When the Revelation comes Close

Through Jesus Christ, humans can approach the Almighty God. Before, people could not do this. God is too great, too holy, too powerful. God's very presence would absolutely obliterate people. Through Jesus, people are made holy and justified in the presence of God and so, in Christ, people are told to boldly approach God's throne. Unto what end? People were made to worship God and enjoy God forever. This is the chief purpose of our existence. People are also given authority in the kingdom to bring God's works close to the rest of this dying world that does not know God. My solution is never to feel sorry for myself when I mess up. My responsibility is to receive the price Jesus paid, repent from that sin, and continue in my role on behalf of God's kingdom. Today I repent of doubt, fear, confusion, neglect of God's Word and God which pretty much adds up to idolatry. I will now continue in that which I was created for.

Narrative Theology and Historical-Grammatical Approach?

Head-Heart Disconnect

I never understood this phenomenon of head-heart disconnect that I've heard from several about until today. I know there's more to understand, but here's what I'm understanding. The heart (the center of my being; soul, emotions, volition, mind) can never do the job of my head. It must not take the place or overshadow the role of my head (intellect, imagination). Neither can my head overshadow or take the role of my heart. I have fallen several times into the trap of living for my heart to the neglect of my mind. I know now, that the only danger is getting their roles confused and living in neglect of either one, but each must be in its proper place. The heart is the source of inspiration for God speaks to the heart and the heart relays information to the intellect. The intellect's job is to explicate what the heart is saying. In other words, my job is to execute with my head what God has inspired. This is good news, for life becomes more meaningful when ev

"Don't be so heavenly-minded that you don't do any earthly good."

I have heard this quote so many times, and was not sure how to understand it or subscribe to it. What I've realized is that God has been taking me on a journey the past few years to being fully heavenly-minded because I'm so earthly-minded that I don't have anything redemptive to do the earth any earthly good. I need to be more heavenly-minded. It's not until I'm transformed by the renewing of my mind that I can rightly incarnate like Christ did among those of the world. I need to know God first. If I don't know God, I have nothing to bring the world to do it any earthly good. When God releases me to the world, I must go with the mindset and life attitude that it's not about the "good things" of the world, but it's about meeting humanity where they are that they might be exposed to the glories of God.

A humbling experience

I think the Master has brought a verse before me which I must carefully consider and I do not know the implications of for next year; it's certainly relevant. A gentleman at the Jessamine Jamboree Prayer Tent brought it to my attention and then John Chrysostom also did-"For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?" (Lk. 14:28). In addition, Luke 14:8 says, "When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for someone more distinguished than you may have been invited by him...". Another important verse, and I'll tie them together in a minute: Luke 14:15 "When one of those who were reclining at the table with Him heard this, he said to Him, 'Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!'" Now, how are these connected? Verse 28 above is similar to verse 8, in that both end in ridicule for the one wh
I often think outside of myself. What I mean by this is that I leave who I am, that undoubting evangelical Christian who believes that the Bible in its completeness speaks truthfully concerning all reality, and I think outside that. Sometimes, this is not a good thing and not a healthy act for my faith. One who is not Christian would think that this would be a liberating practice for me, and yet it has not proven to be liberating in any sense. I have times where I'll question the doctrine of the Trinity, or once I thought of this idea: there is objective ultimate reality in this universe; so question about that, but our barrier to that reality is semantics and language and communication. Every religion attempts to communicate and put to words the fine doctrines of that reality and every religion is basically trying to the say the same thing, but in different ways. I thought it sounded like a cool-sounding theory, and yet it's not true. To my reasoning and philosophical m

Debrief and the continuing journey

As a result of this time, God has increased me in fasting and praying. He has given me greater patience and resolve to spend time enjoying His presence and being in His presence. Since returning home, I've just noticed that I'm different and more submissive to the Lord, more in love with the Lord. He certainly shifted some inner realities in me. I am now on this journey through my final semester. More is going on in life outside of class almost that life within classes. This semester certainly cannot be defined by my school experience like previous semesters could be. God has called me to be involved in a prayer initiative in Wilmore uniting this community in prayer. I've been called to evangelism. And God has shown me what to do after I graduate. He's been speaking to me about living among and ministering to the homeless for 5 years and now is the time to do that. He'll have to pull some miraculous strings to make it happen, but He's in the business o

Day 13, 25 August 2007

Oh, the possibilities! What could be next? I would love to go to Rio de Janeiro's solemn assembly next year as well as the solemn assemblies in Holland, Paris, and Mozambique. I love the idea which I overheard Stacy Campbell talking about: raising money to get street kids off the streets and educated in churches. It's awesome. So much to think about and take care of. The conference last night was awesome! A girl gave me a word which pretty much encouraged me to keep dancing despite what people think! I speak boldness and courage over my heart; perfect love for my Father which manifests itself through the dancing I'm called to. I'm called to it. I have been for years. I also was able to pray for a homosexual whom the Lord is setting free! It's so cool with reference to my past, because this pastor pulled me aside and told me about the man's issue. It was a good time of prayer. The man felt the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit begun a rod which will be

Day 11, 23 August 2007, The Youth Prison

The youth prison was awesome, but we weren't there nearly long enough. The teens were awesome and very interested in us and where we were from. They were fairly receptive to the Gospel. They are like really talented-experts in origami and they even made us flowers to take away to remember them by and pray for them. I just didn't want to leave. It was powerful time. Now, for a cool story. I was going to go downtown today to minister to street kids, and see the downtown area, but instead I stayed back at the hotel. I was seriously thinking of going, but instead God sent me Hoberto. He was looking for something to eat and drink, so we went over to the mall to Burger King (I led a homeless guy to Christ at a Burger King in New Zealand too! What is it about Burger King?). God provided me a translator and we talked for an hour or so. He was hungry both physically and spiritually. He talked about wanting freedom from the chains which bind him. So we prayed and he accepte

Day 10, 22 August 2007

Last night was awesome at the church we visited! We did prayer ministry again which is seriously getting addicting. God gave me words for people, and one guy I prayed for prophesied over me! And then, a pastor at the church prophesied over me and you guessed it: nations, signs and wonders! This is the same I've been getting for years. The prophets are all confirming each other as well as my own heart! Wesley preached again tonight about social justice and it was very exciting to imagine the possibilities if the Church would step up and take responsibility! Wesley basically explained the passion and aim of the organization, "Be a Hero." They aim for social justice and mercy, and global revival. Some stats given to us and a plan for solving the problem: 33,000 die daily in circumstances of poverty (?) Needed: Healthcare for pregnant mothers, global partnerships, and schooling Bill Gates has dedicated half his fortune to problems of poverty. Warren Buffet gave 38 billi

Day 9, 21 August 2007, In the Slums!

In Eliopolis, the south end of Sao Paulo, 120,000 live in the slum. Lot's of poverty in Sao Paulo, and they live in shacks of 22 sq. meters; 16 per shack! Often times, their bathroom is an empty oil can. About 50 families live under the bridge. The spirit of violence is entrenched and prevalent in the family as well as drugs and prostitution. God's favor is coming and pouring out though. The greatest poverty is lack of love and God is countering these realities with His love. According to Luke 10:25-37, the gospel is to love God and save half-dead guys. The above excerpt is from the message which Wesley Campbell preached to us in the slum church before we went out to the slum to play with and love on the kids as well as praying over people and blessing their homes. Rodrigo, a local pastor, brought a team from his church as well and they did a drama for all to see in the slums. It truly shook the place as they watched person after person get distracted by the things of t

Day 8, 20 August 2007

Today we went to the beach! I swam in the Atlantic for the first time and it was beautiful! I found out that it's actually a low grade beach for Brazil, but it was so nice! We ate well and went body-surfing at which point I was injured receiving a scrape from the sand on my elbow, shoulder, and head. The wave totally flipped me! I had been having so much fun and I started calling out to God to knock me off my feet, and consequently, He did. So the lifeguards came and applied first aid and I was ok. Then our group prayed for the lifeguards! That was cool, though Estella wisely and frankly said, "You don't have to get slapped by the wave to start conversation!" It w as a fun day. The mountains that we drove through to get there were something else as well! We enjoyed walking around and noting the beautiful sights, and we had an excellent meal that night at a beach side restaurant. We prayed for and blessed the restaurant staff too. An excellent and beautiful

Day 7, 19 August 2007

We visited a charismatic Catholic church in the slums this evening after an amazing meal this afternoon at the Churrascuria (an all-you-can-eat buffet and carnivore's paradise!). The church's name is Full Redemption. The moment I stepped from the bus in this poor area, I heard booming guitar and saxophone resonating through the streets and the sounds were coming from this Catholic Church! Inside of this plain building were people jumping and dancing in the worship service. It was awesome and yet looks can be deceiving because many demonic manifestations broke out as well including spirits of divinity and others. We had a bit of spiritual warfare that night. It's a church that's situated in a fairly oppressive area and some of the people there dabble in things which they shouldn't. That church, though a wonderful experience, also requires a lot of prayer! Some good things happened too-we prayed over a lady with an STD (I'm unsure of what type) and I belie

Day 6, 18 August 2007, Solemn Assembly

Three times, God had me do a prophetic act by giving up my seat so that someone on the floor could sit there. Two times, it was received and the last time it wasn't. That's not the point though. Jesus "gave up His seat" so we could have. He made a sacrifice, a free gift. Who will have the courage to receive it? I say that each time I feel fear about obeying God, I remember the tears I wept tonight for the lost, especially those close to me that don't really KNOW God. Oh, and by the way-we had an experience after the assembly tonight that I don't want to soon forget. Jason Upton led us in bus songs; it was pretty hilarious and pretty whack.

Day 6, 18 August 2007

The Brazilians are such beautiful people, not just spiritually, but even physically too! Ministry tonight felt so fulfilling, but it can't be my fulfillment. Still, ministry was so awesome tonight. God filled me with words and prayers for individuals who were visibly touched. I've made so many new friends. What excitement this has been! We've had more healings tonight including broken limbs being healed, bumps and tumors vanishing. So good. We're going to a youth prison next week and I'm excited about that, which reminds me that I need to give Stefano my name and passport number tomorrow. Here's a video link to this conference:

Day 5, 17 August 2007, Session with Jason Upton

"In seeking to be culturally relevant, we've lost our power." I. Temptation vs. Testing A. Spirit of Yahweh leads us to be tested and is in charge of testing B. We live as though devil is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and give him more creadance than God! C. God's Spirit led Jesus to wilderness to be tempted by devil 1. these moments are the only times the devil has access to our lives; any other time is something we've given over to him. 2. Lk. 4:5-6 All kingdoms of the earth delivered over to the devil 3. 4:3 If You're the Son of God a. Produce something... b. Jesus already Son of God; didn't have to prove! c. We are children of God by grace and adoption; no need to prove! d. Let the word of heaven fill your soul! e. Resist temptation to prove yourself; Power of God in my life is who I am! f

Day 4, 16 August 2007

So, mission trips are all about being on the "mountain-top", right? This time has not been that, except in one way. When I think of a "mountain-top" I think of feeling good emotions. This has not been that way. I've been under such attack and oppression. It's been hard in some ways, but last night I broke through. Overcoming is the word, the thing which shot me up the mountain to the high places. I pushed forward past the negativity by remembering God's love being poured out on me through refining. I'm being refined. That pushed me through the oppression because I realized God was allowing the oppression to happen for the purpose of refining. He's breaking my reliance on my feelings and emotions and seeking to make me lean only on Him. Anyway, it's been powerful. We've been going to the malls and streets and prophesying over people and praying for healings. We've seen many partial healings with confidence that Yahweh will

Day 4, 16 August 2007

I don't know how all this will go together, but it must somehow, or it's speaking to different seasons of life. A guy came up to me tonight and told me he had a word for me, and boy did he deliver a good word! He told me he could see a leadership anointing on me! He told me that I have a gentle way about me and I genuinely want to help people where they're wrong without judging. That's the second time during this mission that I've heard something about leadership anointing. And then he said that he saw a passion and ministry for youth on me. I heard that first from Dulcinea. I've always loved kids and teens, but I never knew I'd have a ministry with them. Lastly, he pointed out a song which he called "my song." He saw this song over me by Brian Johnson-"Where You Go, I'll Go"- and of course I was agreeing whole-heartedly because that's my song. There's so much more, but I'm too tired. I ask for grace to remember

Day 3, 15 August 2007

In Revelation 3, You command me to overcome. There's no other option. I must overcome and it will only happen according to Psalm 37:17 where Yahweh upholds me. The encouragement is that I'm already on the path of overcoming and I'll continue on it and make it. Yahweh upholds those whose hearts are completely His. Satan speaks defeat over me, but Yahweh, whose word is greater and expressed in the Word, Jesus, says, "Yahweh is salvation!" He speaks salvation and I receive this salvation. There will be grace abundant, enough to get the job done when I pass from here. In fact, there will be more, because the oppression may be more. Oh Lord, child-like trust! I must be so sensitive to the Holy Spirit. God must be my affection, not food. I must not strive, but be a man of God where I am. There must be grace. Day 2 Evening session with Dennis Cline Purpose of being born again is to see Kingdom: Zechariah 4:2 The Body of Christ is coming out of captivity God c

Day 2, 14 August 2007, Evening in Hotel room

Anyway, I have mixed emotions about today, but it truly was a good time. For one thing, it was very charismatic. We rushed into it for all day and I'm tired. It was pretty powerful though! I did get to pray prophetically over some people though. It was intense. We had a message on prophetic evangelism this morning and then took it to the streets this afternoon. After supper and more ministry, we came to the church for testimonies and worship and intercession. Good stuff. Anything in the way of negative feelings (attacks from the enemy) are overwhelmed by what God did and thus I do not receive any lies from the enemy. Hallelujah!

Day 2, 14 August 2007, Session 1, Stacy Campbell

School of Signs and Wonders, Session 1 The testimony of Christ is the spirit of prophecy. We must hold all prophecy with the heart of God or it'll be a curse instead of a blessing. -balance spirit of prophecy with character of Jesus -balance gifting with Christ's character I Cor. 13:2 "If I have the gift of prophecy, but no love..."! Bear one another's burdens Jesus' holiness affected sinners' lifestyles and not vice-versa. God send this level of holiness among us! God grants His authority in the measure that we lean on Him. Prophecy is a sign for unbelievers (1 Cor. 14) -Jesus bypassed theological arguments with a word of knowledge in his conversation with the Samaritan women at the well. When ministering, only do what you see the Father doing, just as Jesus did who did NOTHING of His own initiative (Jn. 5:19-20). Prophetic evangelism draws those looking for God. Step into the supernatural realm of God and do the impossible for God's

Day 2, 14 August 2007, Bluetree Hotel

I'm in Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Just let that sink in. You know what's even more amazing? I'm in the presence of the mighty God, Yahweh, and I want more. I confess to You Father, that part of my motivation in going after You is that I'm in the presence of godly people who love You and it's just convicting about my apathy when I'm home. My motives hold such duplicity. I care about first impressions and I want to make good first impressions on all of them. I have very godly friends at home and I'm able to be myself in front of them, but I don't seek You as hard at home. Have mercy on my divided self and my shortcomings [pictured to the left is where I met with God each day; a cafe in the hotel]. Anyway, here's an awesome scripture: "Better is the little that the righteous has than the abundance of many wicked. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken, but Yahweh upholds the righteous." Psalm 37:16-17 The "arms of the

Day 1, 13 August 2007, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Bluetree Hotel

So here I now sit in Sao Paulo, Brazil. My experiences have now spanned 4 continents. I've only been here in Sao Paulo for a day, and I already have people speaking into my life. First, I've met this 58 year old woman from Argentina named Estella. What a beautiful woman of God she is! Already a couple have told me I have a gift with the youth. What a beautiful and colorful city, this is too! I can tell that I'll come away from here with many new friends. Father, I'm definitely not here by accident. Thanks for this opportunity. Send Your Spirit. Prepare our hearts and send on us Your unity. Mark our times with signs and wonders God and with the fullness. Allow us to minister the fullness by Your Spirit at this time. Let our team truly be a team, or rather, a body; the Body of Christ. Allow our differences to compliment and our gifts to work together. Psalm 34:10 When Yahweh is the center, all falls into place. I will lack no good thing. All things will be


I have found that clinging to doctrine and theology is a mistake, but if I cling to Jesus Christ, the source and encapsulation of truth, He leads me into true doctrine and theology. Because the truth sets free, one can know whether Jesus is the One they are following and whether or not their doctrine and theology is true, by this gauge-"Does this truth set me free?"