
Showing posts from September, 2008

Word on the Street #15

I'm sorry that this email is so long overdue, or maybe it's just right on time, so forget the apology. Everything finds it's time in our Lord and nothing is late in the economy of God. I'm sure you've all been wondering some of the latest with me. A lot of changes and transition happening. As of late, I've not been living as a homeless person, but the transition from that season to the next is still in process and may continue to be for a long time yet. I'm not rushing the transition or assuming anything, but walking it by faith as Yahweh reveals His will to me. I'm far from being called away from the homeless and ministry among them, but God is shifting my focus to His work in our midst in Wilmore which I believe will be the future major platform of His ministry to and through me. A lot of service among the homeless will continue to happen, but I'm not living as one of them anymore. Currently, I'm living with a friend in Lexington, the di

Link to radio interview... I don't know how much longer this link will work, so check it out soon.

Another Praise!

A buddy of mine with a terrible toothache a couple weeks ago was concerned that he'd have to go the dentist which he couldn't afford, so I prayed for him and he was healed. Praise God for an outbreak of physical healings!

A Radio Interview Miracle!

Beloved in Jesus, Today, I was interviewed by Anne Stephens for her radio show, "Sonshine Today" which will air this Saturday at 10 am on 99.1 (sorry for those of you not in Lexington). I did not just write this to advertise about this radio interview. I write to testify to a miracle of God which happened today as a result of this. Anne uses Adobe Audition 1 to record these radio interviews and has been for several years. We did the 30 minute interview and it was awesome. She actually told me that it was one of the best interviews she'd done. God was all over it. And then, we recorded another five minute story which we wanted to edit into this as well. The tragedy came when Anne, as she was talking to me, accidently saved this 5 minute segment by the same name as the original 32 minute segment, and before our eyes, the original interview was overwritten and lost, just like that. She tried to undo and searched her whole computer for the original and it was nowhere

Word on the Street #14

As of late, I've not been living as a homeless person, but the transition from that season to the next is still in process and may continue to be for a long time yet. I'm not rushing the transition or assuming anything, but walking it by faith as Yahweh reveals His will to me. I'm far from being called away from the homeless and ministry among them, but God is shifting my focus to His work in our midst in Wilmore which I believe will be the future major platform of His ministry to and through me. A lot of service among the homeless will continue to happen, but I'm not living as one of them anymore. Currently, I'm living with a friend in Lexington, the director of Sonshine Mission who I've been helping over the past few weeks. I'm not in any formal sort of work yet, but my plan for now is to work temporary jobs and odd jobs because this is what God has revealed to me. I'm basically just getting by financially in this line of work. My only real bill