
Showing posts from December, 2009

High Calling, High Destiny, High Stakes

High calling, high destiny, high stakes, life and death, ultimate. Do not settle for less than fullness. Do not cut the blood of Jesus short. Do not cut yourself short. Refuse that lie and call it what it is: Unbelief, Faithlessness. To lessen the high call of God is to call the blood shed for us insufficient. To settle for a gospel only of forgiveness and to sell the true word, proclamation and good news of God over the earth short is not the Gospel. It is faithlessness. It is unbelief. To lower the standard to a place where human flesh alone can reach it is faithlessness and leads to the lie of pride which says, "See, I can do it." But it's a lie because you did not do IT. You invented a new goal and reached it, selling yourself short of the true goal, the Gospel of God. A Gospel of full redemption, healing, holiness, consecration, and sanctification. A Gospel which established and consummates the kingdom of God in our tangible, literal reality here on eart