Forgotten Truth: Is Truth Propositional?

 I believe in propositional truth and that proposition is Jesus. The Scripture declares that Jesus is the Word of God. Therefore, truth is personal because truth is a person, but it’s also propositional, but not in the way so many propositionalists think. We reduce propositions to human languages, which are limited. Human language and therefore human propositions approximate reality, but are not one with it. Language is a symbol and shared communication tool, but the whole glorious reality of things cannot be reduced to human language.


Therefore, we must turn to a greater definition of truth than one that’s only limited by humanly set forth propositions, such as “God is omnipresent.” While we adhere to this, it contains mystery that is hard for us to describe. God is not omnipresent in the sense of pantheism where God is in everything. He also cannot be reduced to those pieces of matter. How can God be everywhere, and yet seated in heaven and fully with me at the same time? We cannot comprehend it.


Jesus is the word of God, and therefore he is THE truth proposition. A fancy word used in theology is exegesis. We strive to read the Bible exegetically, and not eisegetically. To exegete is to draw out the meaning of the original authors in contrast to eisegesis which imposes a meaning upon a text that is foreign to what the text originally meant. In today’s postmodernism, people like eisegesis; they like to create their own truth and use what they see outside themselves to reinforce what they already believe inside. If we’re open to exegesis, we’re open to growth and to challenging the limits of our own understanding. If we’re open to eisegesis, then we’ll never grow, but only reinforce what we already think, the good and the bad. I digress, but the point is that properly, Jesus is the only perfect exegesis of God. We can’t do good exegesis unless we first understand this.


Only one person in all of history perfectly shows us who God is in his fullness and he is Jesus. Other philosophies, religions and ideologies may at best approximate truths about God and life, and at worst feed us demonic lies that completely distort who God is. Jesus alone perfectly exegetes God, because he alone is fully God and fully human.


Truth is defined. By it’s very definition, it excludes. It excludes everything that is not true. That definition begins exclusively with who Jesus is.


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